Whether you are new to IPR or having experience how to deal with different segments of Intellectual Property Rights; it is mandatory to first go through each and every aspect of patent act 1970 in India. There is a list of rules and regulations that are stated under the patent act where one needs to adhere with while proceeding to patent registration in Rajasthan. This will provide exclusive rights to its owner in order to exercise a proposed invention successfully. Without patent registration; it is not easy to follow up with your invention in the corporate sector where there is a risk of getting infringement or maltreat.
Here, under this section we offer you with the complete description how to process with patent registration in Rajasthan. Before it we will re-check about the capability of proposed invention whether it is capable to get register under patentee or not. Under section 3 and 4 of patent act there are certain segments which are not able to register under patent including research using scientific theories, research on agriculture or horticulture, new methods of playing game, new breeds of plants or animals, topography of integrated circuits, research while using nature of law, new process of treatment of human beings, new research out of thing occurring in nature, research related to atomic energy, invention in respect of mathematical process, new methods of business or computer programs and many more.
Thus, after getting clarification about the capability of the proposed invention the next step is to submit patent draft to the concern authority. Under patent drafting, all the respective details about the proposed invention need to describe with the help of diagrams, sketches, lines and brief descriptions. After drafting, an application for the same is required to submit to the same authority. Thus, if you are planning to apply for patent registration in Rajasthan and looking for authentic and credible services in the same IPR segment then just call to us or email us where you will find the certified team of patent attorneys.