Patent is directly connected to an invention which is unique and capable of further processing and production in respect of commercial and industrial application. All inventions are not able to register under patent act despite of unique and novelty. There are certain segments which are restricted by the patent authority to get register under the same. Like aesthetic creations, updated and new rules and methods for performing corporate tasks or doing business, playing games or any other mental acts, discoveries using scientific theories or mathematical methods.
Without the legal protection of the industrial property rights - whether patent or a utility model - granted, it is in many cases not possible to use an invention commercially. The patent grants the holder the right to exclude others from the commercial use of the invention. This means that only the patent holder can determine who is allowed to use the invention, and may all other prohibit the use of the invention. Usually a contractor will be ready only on the basis of such legal protection, to invest in the invention, i.e. to finance the often long way from invention to a marketable product.
If you owned any of the inventions and looking for patent registration in west bengal then you can call to us +91-8800-100-281 or email at; where you will be able to meet with an authentic team of patent attorneys here in west bengal. These IPR solicitors are well versed with the complete segment of patent registration services that commit their clients with complete satisfaction while offering patent drafting, patent search, patent protection, patent renew and lots more services related to Intellectual Property Rights including trademark services, copyright, patent and other industrial design.