Indian Trademark is based on the guidelines of UK Trademark, thus the whole procedure in United Kingdom from filing till registration is more or less similar to that of the trademark registration in India. In United Kingdom a Trademark is registered fro a period of ten years from the date of filing. After the expiry of the prescribed period a trademark can be further renewed again and again for a period of ten years. The statutory fee for renewing one mark in one class is GBP 200 with GBP 50 for each extra class. If the trademark is not renewed than the mark is liable to be removed from the register of Trademarks. If the mark is not renewed at the due date than it can be renewed within six months from the due date by paying the requisite late fees. Normally the Trademark Registry charges GBP 50 as late fees. However if the applicant fails to renew the trademark within that stipulated period he can apply for restoration within six months after the allotted six months have expired. Thus the basic difference between Indian Trademark renewal and United Kingdom Trademark renewal is the period of restoration. In India the time prescribed for restoration is twelve months after the passing of six months from the due date whereas in United Kingdom it is six months from the expiry of allotted six months for paying the renewal fees.
Trademark Renewal India